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When this blue shield has been depleted, target locks on the Drifter break, in the manner of ECM.

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One such mechanic is that of an "overshield" - an additional layer of shielding colored blue on the targeting display.


The standard weapon systems of this ship appear to be semi-autonomous and effective against a range of targets.ĭED contact briefings suggest the free floating turrets are a secondary weapon, with a primary strike weapon held in reserve against those this ship's commander considers a significant threat.Įncounters with these ships have revealed several unique mechanics related to them alone. The propulsion system is unfamiliar but tentative theories have suggested that the vessel somehow directly interacts with the fabric of space-time while moving. The standard weapon systems of this ship appear to be semi-autonomous and effective against a range of targets.ĭED contact briefings suggest the free floating turrets are a secondary weapon, with an extremely dangerous primary weapon held in reserve against those this ship's commander considers a significant threat.ĬONCORD's analysis of this cruiser has been hampered by its advanced hull and shielding. Little is known about the Drifters' ships, but so far capsuleers have encountered the following ships:ĬONCORD's analysis of this battleship has been hampered by its advanced hull and shielding. Despite monitoring the movements of ships broadcasting the identifier of this organization, no further information as to the motivation or goals of this force has been gleaned. The name Tyrannos points to the long lost 2nd Jove Empire, which was erected by the so called 1st Tyrant Miko Bour and later reigned by so-called Tyrants, powerful but not really tyrannical leaders.ĬONCORD intelligence reports indicate that Drifter military formations are operating under a single command structure represented by an enclave level organization with the designation 'Vigilant Tyrannos'. As the Drifters have been found to harvest capsuleer, Jove and sleeper corpses, one speculation is that all identically named Drifters are clones of each other. Cassandra has only been recorded in a Drifter Cruiser. Hikanta is only found in Drifter wormholes, Arithmos only in C5 and C6 wormhole escalations. Their CEO is Tyrannos Strategos and so far eleven other pilot names (twelve total) have been encountered: The Drifters faction has one member corp, the Vigilant Tyrannos corporation. In this regard, the Drifters are a very different conundrum than the relatively benign presence that was the Jove Empire. Seemingly the inheritors of a legacy left behind by some of the most ancient Jove, the Drifters are unafraid to wield tremendous power in response to any who get in their way. Fleets of Sisters of Eve ships can be seen as well in those wormholes and the alpha clone technology pioneered by the SoE may be connected to the Drifters as well.Įmerging from the ruins of the Sleeper civilization spread throughout Anoikis – otherwise known as 'W-space' – the Drifters represent a tremendous challenge and perhaps a dire threat to the empires and capsuleers alike.Sleeper ships and installations also appear together with the Drifters in wormholes.Jove observatories have been decloaking in k-space and Jove corpses are floating in the Drifter wormhole systems.Negative standings don't seem to have any effect currently.Įvidence points to various connections of the Drifters to New Eden's factions: As soon as you kill Drifter ships, you will quickly gain negative standings (12% per battleship kill). By default, no capsuleer has standings with them.

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The Drifters faction is similar to that of other NPC organizations such as the empire and pirate factions. Whatever their ends may be, the technology at their command unquestionably rivals and perhaps even surpasses that which other Jove have been seen to use. The high degree of cybernetic modification that Drifters exhibit seems to go hand in hand with an implacable single-mindedness and utter ruthlessness while pursuing their mysterious goals. The behavior, fighting tactics and capabilities of the Drifters have been changing continuously since their appearance, so be wary of any changes to the status described here.īy all appearances and indications the Drifters are members of the Jove race, albeit far removed and with a strangely altered physiology. They are seen by most as invaders and after attacking the Amarr empire and killing empress Jamyl I, the Amarr empire declared war on them. So far all attempts at communication with them have failed. The Drifters are a mysterious new faction that appeared in New Eden in early YC117 (2015). Apollo and Artemis Tyrannos, artwork of Drifters released with the expansion highlights

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